Careers Information

Careers Information, Advice and Guidance at St Dunstan's School:

St Dunstan’s School aims to promote a culture of high aspiration and high expectation. Careers Education is recognised as playing an important role in motivating our pupils, promoting equality of opportunity and maximising their academic and personal achievements. We are committed to providing a planned programme of Careers Education through PSHE lessons, planned tutor time activities as well as assemblies, work experience placements and relevant trips and visits to help prepare them for the opportunities and challenges of adulthood.

Careers guidance is of significant importance for young people today; the landscape of education, training and employment opportunities that students need to navigate is more complex and more challenging than that faced by previous generations. The raising of the age for participating in learning means that young people face a wider range of choices of courses and places to study. Qualifications such as GCSE and A level have changed, and opportunities in higher education extend now beyond the UK to other parts of Europe and further afield. Students need help to make choices and manage transitions: they need good quality careers education, information, advice and guidance.

Careers education does not just mean informing students about their options after school but also how their school career will affect their futures. It is our statutory duty to ensure that all pupils receive independent, impartial advice and guidance regarding all options within school as well as  how they will affect their options after school and which careers pathways will become available to them. Beginning Careers Education early means that students can make better informed decisions at transition stages and are more motivated in school in order to follow a particular pathway. By helping students with decisions at crucial stages, informing them of all their options and introducing them to the world of work, we aim to prepare them for life after school whichever path they choose.

Careers Policy

St Dunstan's School Careers Programme

St Dunstan's School Provider Access Policy Statement


Securing the Gatsby Benchmarks:

The Gatsby benchmarks are a set of eight National standards set by Government for securing a stable and effective careers programme. The link below is the latest review of these standards and St Dunstan's school. more information on The Gatsby benchmarks can be viewed under the engagement heading below.

St Dunstan's Gatsby Benchmarks


Contact details for the staff responsible for overseeing the careers programme:

Careers Lead – Miss A Kench -

Independent Careers Advisor – Beth Church

Work Experience Coordinator – Mr I Ward

SLT Careers Link – 

Careers Governor – Mrs J Rigby-Jones

St Dunstan's School, Wells Road, Glastonbury, BA6 9BY

Tel: 01458 832943


Enterprise Co-ordinator - Louise Friend

Enterprise Adviser - Holly Angelinetta

Jobcentre Plus Support Adviser - Gill Buratta


Student Entitlement Statements:

  • Students are encouraged to identify personal traits, strengths and skills and develop confidence and have high expectations of themselves.

  • Students are introduced to careers resources and informed how to use them.

  • Students are introduced to the world of work and how it is constantly changing.

  • What is important in a career? Students are encouraged to investigate different jobs and careers, what they mean in terms of lifestyle, budgeting and a good work/life balance as well as developing economic awareness.

  • Students are encouraged to challenge stereotypes within the world of work and traditional job roles.

  • Students are encouraged to think about the kind of behavior potential employers look for.

  • All Year 11 students have a 1-2-1 careers interview with our independent careers advisor.

  • KS3 and Year 10 students can request a 1-2-1 careers interview to help further explore their options during school and beyond.

  • Students should use careers interviews to help understand different career pathways and entry requirements, agree personal action plans with the careers adviser for the future and identify what specific action is required to achieve their goals.

  • Students are helped with post 16 choices and encouraged to consider all their options including further study in college/ 6th form and apprenticeships. Interview techniques are developed.

  • Specific mock interviews for those with a particular career path in mind are also available.

  • Students are encouraged to attend careers talks, fairs, college open days and taster days.

  • Students are assisted with CV writing and encouraged to have completed a CV and cover letter.

  • Students are kept up to date with post 16 deadlines. 

 'Information on changes being made to admissions by Bridgwater and Strode Colleges, as a result of Covid-19, can be found at the end of this document.'


Career Pilot

At St Dunstan’s we encourage students to make regular updates to their career plans following advice and guidance and the tools available on the Career Pilot Website.

Each student will set up an account and use this to update their Careers Action Plan. This, in turn, informs our careers advisors who can then respond to their needs.

Students can access their Career Pilot Account here


Teachers/ Curriculum

Our PSHE / Careers and Citizenship Curriculum, ensures that the key skills and essential knowledge we have identified permeate our curriculum from year 7 to year 11, allowing our pupils to make links in their learning as well as develop the ability to think more deeply about what they are learning. In this respect, pupils’ learning is meaningful and purposeful, and designed in a range of contexts, which offer breadth and variety to their learning.


All teachers include careers into their lessons, develop student’s employability skills. Staff have access to a wide range of resources on the school Intranet to showcase careers in their subject lessons. As an example; Benchmark 4 Portal (IT can embed this in)

Teachers are encouraged to implement the below into the curriculum:

  • Have a prominent display that links subject learning and skill development to different careers
  • Develop links with businesses and organisations
  • To invite alumni and other external speakers to come into school
  • Where appropriate to organise external visits for students to local businesses/organisations
  • Record careers learning opportunities for students in schemes of learning
  • Take part in whole school ‘Careers Days’ where all teachers start their lesson with a careers focus, such as talking about their career pathway or showing a short film where people in a range of job roles explain the relevance of skills developed in a particular subject area to their role. 
  • Explore the possibility of developing real projects/challenges for students with a local business or organisation
  • Consider the needs and interests of all students and ensure that information challenges career stereotyping including gender, race and disability



Employers & Training Providers 

At St Dunstan’s School we are busy growing your employees of the future.  We welcome the help of local businesses to raise the career aspirations of our students, develop their employability skills and learn more about the exciting industries in Somerset.

We welcome Training Providers and employers to come into school and talk to our students. Please see our Provider Access Policy for events and contact details.

Apprenticeship information for employers.

How Employers and Training Providers Can Help Our Students

·        Book to attend our Careers Fair which we run each summer

·        Give a short careers talk about your company, apprenticeship scheme, your role and career path and answer students’ questions. 

·        Providing Work Experience to our students. Year 10s complete a five-day placement in July which they start arranging from November We currently work with 215 businesses and always welcome more.

·        Assisting with the Year 10 Mock Interview event. This is in May and around 60 interviewers are needed for either one full day or two to give all our Year 10 students an interview experience.

·        We aim where possible to bring the careers and workplace application into curriculum lessons. We welcome links with employers who can contribute to a specific subject department by either allowing students to visit their company on a school trip, or come into school to deliver an aspect of subject curriculum to a class.

·        If you have an apprenticeship you wish to fill please email details to our Careers Leader and this will be forwarded to the students who are planning the workplace and looking for that type of employment

If you are able to assist or would like to find out more information about the work of our Careers department, please email our Careers Leader email

St Dunstan’s School has the benefit of a key business volunteer who works with us on a strategic level, encouraging the development of our careers programme and connecting us to the business community across the county. This role is recognised nationally as an Enterprise Adviser  (EA) and they are part of the Somerset Careers Hub community of support driving the connection between careers education and the business sector. Our Enterprise Adviser is Holly Angelinetta, Director of Enterprises- Millfield School


The careers page on the main school  website highlights key events from the careers programme, dates for key events including college open evenings and the work experience database link. Here you can also find links to external websites that offer advice and guidance relevant to post-16 and careers choices.

The Careers section in the main school Library develops students' independent learning skills and all Year 11 students will be encouraged to schedule time devoted to their own career exploration activities. The Library is open to students every day and the  Careers section contains general and specific information about different types of occupations as well as an extensive collection of prospectuses for further and higher education. 

The Student Noticeboard is kept up to date signposting to post-16 options, apprenticeship vacancies and many other opportunities. There are dedicated college boards in the dining hall next to a range of literature including prospectuses and careers advice booklets.

Further resources are available from our independent careers advisor who will meet with all Year 11 students, as well as other students at key transition points (Yr 9 options for example) and parents/carers if requested. Mrs McKinley will be available during Yr9, 10 and 11 Parents' Evenings to provide advice or support to parents/carers and students. She can be contacted by email 

Resources and events which may be of interest to students can be accessed via the HotSW Careers Hub Padlet .  


Recommended Websites

Below are a variety of recommended websites which can be used to support pupils when making decisions about work experience and careers.

  • Careerpilot:
    • Careerpilot is an award winning careers information website where you can research amongst other things:
      • Your choices at 14, 16 and 18
      • Information about different job sectors and up to date labour market information
      • Signposts to other recommended websites
      • Parentzone to provide support for parents
  • National Careers Service provides help, guidance and information:
  • For careers that need a degree or similar qualification Prospects has information about job roles, qualifications required and what careers particular degrees can lead to:

No idea what you want to do?

Don’t feel like you are the only person who doesn’t have a clue what you want to do. Proof of this is in the number of quizzes and assessments designed to help you generate ideas. Here are some of the best:


Essential Information for students, parents and carers, teachers and employers:

St Dunstan's aims to provide a broad range of information and updates to students, parents, providers and the community throughout the year. The updates will help to provide information about the careers education, information, advice and guidance provided. A parent, staff and student questionnaire will be completed annually beginning in the summer term of 2020 the results of which will be used to inform updates to careers provision for the following academic year. Engagement from parents/carers and employers is welcome, if you are able to support our Careers programme in any way please contact us.


10 Ways to Achieve Careers Education at Home Click here

Parents Resources for Careers Click here

Youth Employment Help Click here

Step into Strode - Information for Yr11 students Click here


For further information regarding Government requirements for Careers advice and guidance in school please see below:

For information regarding apprenticeships you can visit  Which is packed with useful tips and articles.


Please find the May edition of the Parents' Pack from Amazing Apprenticeships here. Covering advice on the Covid-19 situation, CVs, key skills for employers and much more.


Strode College Website Click here

Bridgwater College Website Click here

Bridgwater campus  Click here 

Cannington Click here

Yeovil College Website Click here


STRODE COLLEGE website Click here

Click here to find out why Strode College is consistently one of the best colleges nationally and how you can apply to join us next September.

Our video gives a great insight to all that's on offer for FE students at Strode College - the fantastic facilities and campus that await them, top-class teaching from tutors that are passionate about their subjects, the support that helps individuals meet and exceed their potential, and all that come together to make learning here both rewarding and fun.


Our results are 'Outstanding' and, wherever each student may start their journey with us, we inspire all to maximise their potential.  

Where can these courses take me as a career? (explore Career Pathways on each subject)
Strode College Application Timeline (as attached)
Bridgwater College: 

For the Bridgwater College website please click here 


We believe in the ability of each of our students to fulfill their potential and become the best they can be. We do this by offering a broad and diverse range of subject and qualifications to suit the needs and learning styles of all our students.

The courses combine real-world experience with academic rigour and fantastic employability. By studying with us, you’ll be given all the support you need to go in whichever direction you choose. Our tutors meet with students regularly to offer encouragement and guidance and, if needed, extra support.

Of course, this year, I’m sure the main question on your mind is about the steps we have taken to ensure the College is a safe place to study and work in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Our students’ success and welfare are at the heart of everything we do. We are currently monitoring and following government advice and will continue to do so and have put steps in place to ensure the safety of our students and staff.  For more information about our approach please click here.

I could not be prouder to be the Principal of this amazing college.  With the support of our large network of tutors and staff, students have demonstrated their resilience, innovation, perseverance and positivity throughout this unprecedented time and I feel sure that, as we move forward, we are in a good position to deal with the changing COVID-19 situation.

This year, we will be changing the way we do things, so please, keep coming back to the website, follow us on social media and join us for our online virtual open days and campus tours where you will get a real feel for this amazing college.


Cannington campus: click here

Taunton campus  click here

Frome College

For careers information for Frome College please click here



Career Websites

For useful career websites please click on the following links:

Career Pilot   Careers in Sport   Careers Box   CITB
Future Morph   Health Careers   I Could   National Careers Service
Not going to Uni   Amazing Apprenticeships   Prospects   Russell Group
Tomorrow's Engineers   UCAS   Apprenticeships   Work Experience Placements
Target Careers   Tasty Careers   Start Careers   GO Construct

College Open Days