School Transport

Somerset County Council provide home to school transport for eligible children at the start and end of the school day.

Who can use it?
Free school transport is provided to children who attend their nearest school or the school in the transport area for their home address, and who live over the statutory walking distance from that school. This is three miles for children aged eight years old and over.

We may be able to help some children who don’t qualify for free school transport by offering a spare seat on a vehicle on a paying basis.

Low income families
Pupils who are entitlement to pupil premium funding who live between 2 and 6 miles from the school and attend one of the three nearest schools will receive free school transport.

Special Needs
If your child’s transport is provided on the grounds of special educational needs, Somerset County Council will contact you by telephone and carry out a risk assessment with you to clarify any needs that should be taken into consideration. They will then notify you of the transport arrangements.

Tea Visits
If your child uses school transport and invites a friend home for tea who does not travel on the same bus as your child, unfortunately, the friend would not be able to travel on the bus for safety and insurance purposes.

Lost Property
If your child has left their belongings on their school bus, please contact the school or the operator of the transport.

Full details and application forms for:

  • Applying for school transport
  • Applying for a replacement pass
  • Applying for transport on a paying basis

are available at