World Book Day

World Book Day

Staff and students alike, arrived in school on World Book Day dressed as magical creatures, witches and wizards from the world of Harry Potter. Dobby the House Elf was seen to roam the corridors of the Maths department and there were several witches, Hogwarts students and a phoenix! A Dementor was also spotted but was unsuccessful in sucking the happiness out of our day.


KS3 students enjoyed a range of activities linked to the Harry Potter novels, for example Potions in Mrs Purves' lesson where students mixed ghoulish ingredients in the cauldron. In PE, Year 7s played Quidditch, Geography students studied Marauders' Maps and several creative lessons also took place. All of these activities were about celebrating our own literacy and appreciating the value of reading. Please find some time to discuss what your son or daughter is currently reading. All students have DEAR (drop everything and read) time every morning in registration.